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In the middle of the 13th inning, I thought to myself, "You know, no matter what happens, the bullpen has really stepped up tonight. Seven scoreless innings from Okajima, Masterson, Delcarmen and Lopez? With Papelbon unavailable, this was huge. No matter what happens, you've got to feel good about that."Unfortunately, "no matter what happens" logic never ever, ever, ever holds up in the morning unless what happens is that your team wins.
I don't know who I want to kill the most: Timlin, Francona for putting Timlin in, or the players who didn't bat anyone in.
If Timlin was the only guy ready in the 'pen and I were the manager? I would have said fuck it and let Javy keep going. Because even with his spotty track record he's been way, way better than Timlin this year.
I worry about Paps when his appearances are close together. He needs a few days to start craving the spotlight enough to do absolutely anything (like win) to get it. In the interests of Jonathan's career, I think Tito needs to mandate video and public appearance blackouts for several days before he pitches. I adore Papelbon and think he is a fabulous closer and crazy funny but he's still learning and we need to help him out, here.
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Yeah any new posts? I think your site is hilarious but there hasn't been anything new in a while...
I think Tito needs to mandate video and public appearance blackouts for several days before he pitches.
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