xoxo, cornroyyo
"(Schilling) said a couple of years ago I would never pitch 230 innings with this body," Arroyo said. "So I sent him a note with a picture of me standing with nothing on but a (sock)."This article from the Eagle-Tribune showed up on my Papelbon-related Google news trolling because there's some business at the end about Papelbon's process of converting to a starter, but the car wreck-like image of Arroyo doing his Red Hot Chili Pepper impression leads me to wonder:
1. What's the over/under that he has some totally hideous and unfortunately located tattoo?
2. Because I'm thinking the animal that's representative of his astrological sign, on his pelvic bone.
3. Was the photo taken straight on, or was he striking a pin-up girl pose?
4. Maybe a Rockette high kick?
5. Who took the picture?
So many questions, so many applications of bleach to get the image out of my mind.
In other news, it's been a busy week in Yankee hate. Watching A-Rod go 1 for 14 in the series (a batting average that requires a zero for the first digit) was satisfying in ways that can't be textually rendered and it was nice to have confirmed what i have long suspected: my hate for the Yankees is more pure than my love for most things. Hang ten this routine first round elimination, Derek Jeter.
Oh, GOD, you have made my morning. It all falls away now: the cold water at the gym AGAIN, the weird spitting guy at the bus stop, the vague dread of facing a long day of work. All lost in the haze of the embarrassed, ashamed smile I get when I think of Bronson Arroyo. Dressed like a RHCP. Wow. Wow. Thank you so much, seriously.
-k (sandy)
you're my hero for pointing out this article lol
::is speechless::
The shit?
Seriously, do players get weirder when they leave Boston or do we do this to them?
I'm not sure I want to know.
it can't be just a coincidence. they must catch our craziness
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