when he's not busy not-moose hunting
"We all know Manny can hit 40 homers and drive in 120 or more runs," he said. "We know he's going to do that. He does it every year. Do we know J.D. Drew's going to do that? Nothing against J.D. Drew (because) hopefully he will do that, but I think we need to keep Manny. He protects Papi (David Ortiz). Who's going to protect Papi if he's not there?"From here.
My favorite part of this quote (besides EVERYTHING)is that it's from the Boston Herald and they still feel the need to clarify that "Papi" = David Ortiz. Seriously, anyone who cares even a little about the fate of Manny "Wacky Hijinks and Power Hitting" Ramirez knows who Papi is. I'm so incredibly sure of that fact. But then, the Herald does strive for journalistic integrity in all that it does, so I'm sure this is part of that.
Anyway, Pap and I agree on this point. Well, except for the fact that I have about as much hope that Drew can make anything happen in Boston as I do that George "My Favorite Human Being" Clooney is going to be waiting at my apt. tonight when I get home.
Other reasons this article is awesome:
*It finally defines "subluxation" as "slippage within the joint."
*It says that Papelbon has been watching the Sox' Hot Stove moves "casually" and then totally paints a picture of a guy who's been sitting around debating the team's move like a drunk 22-year-old with a fantasy football team.
*It reminds me that Pap is younger than me. (But older than kelly. Because everyone's older than kelly.)
That's a lot of awesome in a tiny article.