Things We Can to Do on Sunday, February 4, 2007, Starting at Approximately 6:25pm:
1. See Pan's Labyrinth again.
2. Ride the 66 bus continuously for four hours.
3. Go to a Mitt Romney presidential rally.
4. Watch an entire season of Everybody Loves Raymond.
5. Have dinner with Rudy Seanez.
6. Accompany Jeff Garcia's mother to her first PFLAG meeting.
7. Debate Bill Simmons on the subject of female sports fans.
8. Re-read Derek Jeter's Living the Life You Imagine.
9. Fill out multiple applications for new VISA cards.
10. Sew that 1/4th of the sleeve back on all hoodies now that it's actually winter.
11. Start listening to archive tapes of Dick Vitale in preparation for March Madness.
12. Replace Bridget Moynihan dartboard with new, improved Gisele model.
13. Troll Japanese message boards for flame wars started by 'gehrig38'.
14. Get into loud discussion about how Midwest is "just a bunch of fly-over states."
15. Remind ourselves that the 4th day of February means 13 days to pitchers and catchers.
We're back, we're ready, we're rested. And now we're going to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and return shortly with the very secret off-season diaries of Jonathan Papelbon.