serenity now.
So, like half the residents of the Boston metro area, I am moving tomorrow, and Katie has had work shenanigans and also has had to spend a lot of time listening to me complain about moving, and the Red Sox, well, it's reached a point where even fielding a nine-man roster every game is a moral victory. So for those reasons, we have not had very much to say this week, however! I emerge from my field of boxes and my sea of dust bunnies, I step back from the cliff that represents the end of my sanity to say:STARTING PITCHER JULIAN TAVAREZ?
Text message I received from Katie alerting me to this apocalyptic turn of events: Bus driver starting. Crab probably has the cancer. Even Coco is hurt. I fully expect Rudy to run me down on the T tonight.
The only reasonable explanation is that Tito believes that converting one of our relievers to a starter will actually kill him, making this situation the only time when Julian Tavarez is the only reasonable option.
Other than that, I don't know. I doubt there's been any Papelbon news because the Red Sox haven't created a save situation since the first Clinton administration. And ... scene.